Taylor Swift Bought Me a House

The Story of Our Latest HMO:

Taylor Swift Bought Me a House

Now that the dust has settled from Taylor Swift’s record-breaking concerts in Edinburgh last weekend let me set the scene: When you’re in the property investment game, you know every purchase has a unique story. But this one? It takes the cake. Or should I say, the concert ticket?

The Hunt for a New HMO

Let me set the scene: Recently, we were on the hunt for a new property to convert into a student HMO (House in Multiple Occupation). We found a promising flat that seemed perfect for our plans. The only catch? The place was swarming with potential buyers, all eager to snap it up. Clearly, this family—a father, mother, and daughter—would get a great price for their beloved home.

The Swift Connection

As I toured the flat, something caught my eye: Taylor Swift posters. And I mean everywhere. I casually asked the mum and daughter if they were fans. Their eyes lit up as they told me how huge Swifties they were. I couldn’t help but ask if they had tickets for her concert at Murrayfield. They didn’t—apparently, those tickets were like gold dust.

Building Rapport

We continued chatting and building a rapport. When it came to discussing price, they gave me a number within our range. I asked if they’d accept my offer in cash through my solicitor and take the house off the market. They agreed, and I left feeling optimistic.

A Disappointing Setback

But, as these things often go, the next day brought disappointment. They had decided not to accept the offer due to the high demand.

A Swift Solution

Determined, I booked another viewing for that evening. This time, I had an ace up my sleeve. I came prepared with two spare tickets to the Taylor Swift concert. During our discussion, I pulled out the tickets and made a proposition: if they accepted the original price we had agreed upon, I’d throw in the tickets. The look on the mum and daughter’s faces will stay with me forever. They turned to the dad with expressions that left no room for negotiation.

Sealing the Deal

And just like that, the deal was done. We got the house, and they got the experience of a lifetime at the Taylor Swift concert.

A Newfound Swifty

So, it’s official—I’m now a Swifty, too! And that’s the tale of how Taylor Swift indirectly helped us secure our latest student HMO. Sometimes, it’s not just about the money but about finding that perfect sweetener to make a deal irresistible.

How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in exciting and unique property deals can partner with our company to capitalise on lucrative opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, you can benefit from the success of projects like this latest HMO and contribute to our continued growth and success.

Building a Dynamic Team

Building a Dynamic Team: Welcoming Martin to Nichol Smith Development


We’ve reached another milestone in our journey to transform Nichol Smith Development into Edinburgh’s most exciting property investment and development company. With the success of our first employee, Sean, propelling us forward, we’re thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the team: Martin.

A Passion for Real Estate

Martin joins us with a wealth of experience and a passion for real estate that mirrors our own. His expertise in property management and project coordination brings invaluable skills to our growing team. As we expand our portfolio and take on more ambitious projects, Martin’s presence strengthens our ability to deliver exceptional results for our investors and tenants.


The Power of Collaboration

At Nichol Smith Development, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration. We recognise that success is a collective effort driven by the dedication and expertise of each team member. With Martin joining us, we are further strengthening our team and optimising our operations to provide superior service to our investors and maximise their returns.


An Exceptional Team

Our commitment to building an exceptional team goes beyond hiring talented individuals. We are dedicated to prioritising a supportive and collaborative work environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their unique talents. By nurturing a culture of innovation and continuous learning, we empower our team members to push boundaries and exceed expectations.


Continued Growth

As we continue to grow, our investors can rest assured knowing their investments are in capable hands. With Sean and Martin leading the charge, backed by our dedicated team, we’re well-positioned to capitalise on opportunities and navigate challenges in the ever-evolving property market.


Delivering on Our Vision

Investing with Nichol Smith Investments isn’t just about earning attractive returns; it’s about being part of a dynamic journey towards success. Our commitment to building an exceptional team reflects our dedication to delivering outstanding results for our investors and shaping the future of property investment in Edinburgh.


Stay tuned as we embark on this exciting chapter of growth and innovation together. The best is yet to come.

Carrick Knowe | Coming Soon


The Carrick Knowe Project

The Carrick Knowe project presents a unique opportunity to breathe new life into a property laden with untapped potential. Situated in the vibrant neighbourhood of Carrick Knowe, this project promises to unlock value and transform a once-constrained space into a desirable residence brimming with possibilities.

Project Overview

Originally designed as a 3-bedroom double upper, the property had to be sold as a 1-bedroom single story due to a lack of a building warrant for the staircase. Despite this setback, our team recognised the property’s inherent value and embarked on a journey to rectify the situation and maximise its potential.

Challenges Faced

The main challenge of the Carrick Knowe project lay in navigating the hurdles surrounding the staircase issue. While the staircase was compliant and operational for over 30 years, the absence of a building warrant posed a significant obstacle to realising the property’s full potential. However, drawing from past experiences, we knew there were ways to address this challenge effectively and cost-efficiently.

Investment Details

Funding for the Carrick Knowe project was secured through private investor finance, allowing individuals to participate in a promising investment venture. Investors received a percentage return on their initial investment.

How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on lucrative investment opportunities. By joining forces with us, investors can benefit from our expertise and track record in identifying and transforming properties for maximum value.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Ravelston Dykes | Edinburgh

Unlocking Potential:

The Ravelston Dykes Project

Walking into the viewing of the Ravelston Dykes property, I was struck by a sense of untapped potential. Despite lingering on the market for months, I saw opportunities others had overlooked. With a clear vision, our team undertook a journey to transform this property into a sought-after residence brimming with modern amenities and value-added features.

Project Overview

Located in the prestigious Ravelston Dykes area, this project presented an opportunity to reconfigure the layout and maximise space utilisation. The property’s existing layout hinted at the potential for a 2 to 3-bedroom conversion, with a bonus of a spacious garage and a further room off to the side, which begged to be transformed into a home office added to it.

Challenges Faced

One of the key challenges of the Ravelston Dykes project was reimagining the space to accommodate the desired layout changes. Moving the kitchen into the living space to create a third bedroom required innovative plumbing solutions. Fortunately, being on the ground floor with a garage underneath provided ample space for running pipework and cables for the additional amenities, including a gym and office.

Investment Details

Funding for the Ravelston Dykes project was made possible through private investor finance, offering individuals the opportunity to participate in a lucrative investment venture. Investors received a percentage return on their initial investment.

Project Execution

With careful planning and creative problem-solving, the refurbishment of the Ravelston Dykes property proceeded smoothly. Despite the challenges posed by tenants working from home, our team navigated the project with sensitivity and professionalism, ensuring minimal disruption while delivering exceptional results. Adding the extra bedroom and the full refurbishment of the property added significant value, making it an attractive investment opportunity.

Success Metrics

The completion of the Ravelston Dykes project marked a significant milestone, both in terms of enhancing the property’s value and meeting the needs of modern residents. The thoughtful layout changes and added amenities, including the home office and gym, positioned the property as a desirable residence in the sought-after Ravelston Dykes area.

After Pictures

How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on lucrative investment opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, investors can benefit from the success of projects like Ravelston Dykes and contribute to our continued growth and success.


The Ravelston Dykes project exemplifies our commitment to unlocking the potential of properties and creating value for our investors. As we continue to identify opportunities for growth and transformation, we invite investors to join us on this journey of innovation and success.

Please explore our website for more information on our past and ongoing projects, and contact us to discuss investment opportunities further.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and investment insights.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Fettes Row | Edinburgh


The Fettes Row Project

Nestled in the heart of Edinburgh’s prestigious Fettes Row, our latest project presented a unique opportunity to rejuvenate a historic property with modern flair. The buildings’ grandeur and stunning features, including remarkable cornices and expansive windows, set the stage for a transformation that would breathe new life into this iconic address.

Project Overview

The property, originally a one-bedroom flat, had remained untouched for years, lacking the modern comforts demanded by today’s discerning residents. Recognising its potential, our team ventured on a journey to reimagine the space, maximising its functionality while preserving its historical charm.

Challenges Faced

As a B-listed building, navigating the regulatory landscape posed its own set of challenges. Securing listed building consent to relocate the kitchen into the living room required careful planning and attention to detail. Additionally, obtaining a building warrant to execute the proposed changes was crucial.

Investment Details

Private investor finance played a crucial role in funding the Haymarket project, allowing individuals to participate in a lucrative investment venture.

Project Execution

The transformation of the property began with reimagining its layout to optimise space utilisation. By relocating the kitchen into the living room, we unlocked the potential for an additional bedroom, catering to the evolving needs of modern living. Furthermore, converting a large cupboard into an en-suite bathroom added value and convenience.

Success Metrics

The successful completion of the Fettes Row project resulted in a significant increase in property value. The addition of a second bedroom and en-suite bathroom enhanced the space’s functionality and contributed to a substantial appreciation of the property’s market value.

After Pictures

How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on investment opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, investors can benefit from attractive returns and the satisfaction of contributing to revitalising iconic properties in Edinburgh.


The Fettes Row project exemplifies our commitment to redefining urban living through thoughtful design and strategic investment. As we continue undertaking new ventures, we invite investors to join us on this journey of transformation and growth. Please explore our website for more information on our past and ongoing projects, and don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss investment opportunities further.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and investment insights.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Moat Terrace | Edinburgh

Refining Comfort:

The Moat Terrace Project

Nestled in the vibrant Gorgie area, the Moat Terrace project is a testament to our dedication to transforming properties into havens of comfort and style. From its humble beginnings as a one-bedroom flat acquired at a bargain price, this project demonstrates our commitment to maximising value and enhancing our portfolio of single-let properties.

Project Overview

The acquisition of Moat Terrace marked an exciting opportunity to expand our portfolio and breathe new life into a neglected property. The property’s prime location held immense potential for investment and growth.

Challenges Faced

Despite its promising location, Moat Terrace presented its challenges. Most notably, it is on the top floor, and getting materials in or out is always challenging. The property required a comprehensive refurbishment, including a complete rewire, kitchen renovation, and bathroom overhaul. However, it was the old shower—a quirky feature that left a lasting impression on our team—that truly stood out amidst the renovation process.

Investment Details

As with all our projects, funding for the Moat Terrace refurbishment was secured through private investor finance, providing individuals with an opportunity to participate in a lucrative investment venture. Investors received a percentage return on their initial investment.

Project Execution

With a skilled team and a clear vision, the refurbishment of Moat Terrace proceeded quickly and efficiently. From the meticulous planning of the rewiring to installing a modern kitchen and bathroom, every aspect of the project was executed with precision and care. The result was a stunning transformation that exceeded our expectations and breathed new life into the property.

Success Metrics

Completing the Moat Terrace project marked a significant enhancement to our portfolio and a tangible increase in the property’s value. Its updated amenities and stylish design positioned it as a desirable rental option in the sought-after Gorgie area, attracting tenants seeking comfort and convenience.

After Pictures

How to Get Involved

While the Moat Terrace project has already been completed and added to our portfolio, investors looking to participate in similar ventures can explore other opportunities within our growing portfolio. By partnering with us, investors can benefit from our expertise and track record in identifying and transforming properties for maximum value.


The Moat Terrace project is a shining example of our commitment to excellence and innovation in property investment and development. As we seek opportunities to enhance our portfolio and create value for our investors, we invite you to explore other projects on our website and join us on this journey of growth and success.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and investment insights.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Leith Colonies | Edinburgh

Restoring Charm:

The Leith Colonies Project

Nestled within the historic Leith Colonies of Edinburgh, the Leith Colonies project represents a unique opportunity to revive a property steeped in charm and potential. Despite the challenges posed by its location at the end of a tight road, we recognised the intrinsic value of this residence and embarked on a journey to breathe new life into its storied walls.

Project Overview

Initially utilised as a 3-bedroom double upper, the property had to be sold as a 1-bedroom single story due to a lack of a building warrant for the staircase. This presented us with an immediate opportunity to add value. 

Challenges Faced

One of the primary challenges of the Leith Colonies project centred around the non-compliant staircase, which had served its purpose for over 40 years but required rectification to meet current building regulations. Addressing this issue involved obtaining planning permission and navigating regulatory hurdles effectively. Fortunately, our team’s extensive experience and expertise in property development enabled us to devise a strategic approach and navigate the planning process smoothly, ensuring compliance without compromising quality or efficiency.

Investment Details

Funding for the Leith Colonies project was secured through private investor finance, offering individuals the opportunity to participate in a promising investment venture. Investors received a percentage return on their initial investment.

Project Execution

With a clear vision and strategic approach, our team addressed the staircase issue while maximising the property’s potential. Through careful planning and innovative solutions, we navigated the regulatory hurdles and rectified the non-compliant staircase, ensuring compliance without compromising on quality or efficiency.

Success Metrics

Completing the Leith Colonies project represented a significant achievement, symbolising our ability to overcome obstacles and revitalise properties to their original grandeur. By addressing the staircase issue and returning the property to its intended layout, we significantly enhanced its attractiveness to potential buyers. As a result, we successfully positioned it as a coveted residence in the highly sought-after Leith Colonies neighbourhood.

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How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on lucrative investment opportunities. By joining forces with us, investors can benefit from our expertise and track record in identifying and transforming properties for maximum value.


The Leith Colonies project exemplifies our commitment to innovation and perseverance in facing challenges. As we seek opportunities to revitalise properties and unlock their potential, we invite investors to join us on this journey of growth and success.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and investment insights.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Craigleith Hill Crescent | Edinburgh

Reimagining Home:

The Craigleith Hill Crescent Renovation

Nestled in the heart of Edinburgh’s prestigious Fettes Row, our latest project presented a unique opportunity to rejuvenate a historic property with modern flair. The buildings’ grandeur and stunning features, including remarkable cornices and expansive windows, set the stage for a transformation that would breathe new life into this iconic address.

Project Overview

Welcome to Craigleith Hill Crescent, nestled in the sought-after neighbourhood of Craigleith in Edinburgh. This two-bedroom bungalow, situated on a peaceful leafy street, promised the ease of single-story living while offering exciting prospects for future development.

Stepping into this project, we were met with a home that its previous owners had cherished for many years. However, it was time for a fresh start. The first order of business? Clearing out the old – from carpets to wallpaper, bathroom fixtures to kitchen cabinets – to create a blank canvas for our vision to unfold.

Expanding Horizons

While initially a two-bedroom home, we saw an opportunity to elevate this space into something more. With a clever redesign, we transformed an existing dining room extension into a bright, open-plan kitchen-living area. By removing walls and embracing modern layouts, we unlocked the potential for a third bedroom that is adaptable to various needs and lifestyles.

Investment Details

Private investor finance played a crucial role in funding the Haymarket project, allowing individuals to participate in a lucrative investment venture.

Modern Comforts

A renovation would only be complete with attention to modern comforts. The outdated bathroom underwent a sleek transformation, featuring tiled floors, underfloor heating, and contemporary fixtures. With families in mind, we ensured versatility by installing a bath with a shower – a practical touch for everyday living.

Bringing the Outdoors In

Outside, neglected foliage made way for a rejuvenated garden space. Levelling the ground and laying fresh turf set the stage for outdoor enjoyment. We also enhanced the connection between indoors and outdoors, widening windows and installing sliding doors to invite natural light and garden views.

How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on investment opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, investors can benefit from attractive returns and the satisfaction of contributing to revitalising iconic properties in Edinburgh.


Craigleith Hill Crescent’s journey is a testament to the power of vision and transformation. From a humble bungalow to a modern, adaptable home, this project showcases the endless possibilities of renovation. We’re proud to have played a part in shaping its next chapter and look forward to welcoming its new owners.

For more information on our renovation projects or investment opportunities, visit our website or contact us via email.

Follow us on social media for updates and inspiration!

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Joppa | Edinburgh

Seaside Sanctuary:

The Joppa Project

Set amidst the tranquil beauty of Joppa, just a stone’s throw from the shores of Portobello Beach, our Coillesdene Drive project, affectionately known as the beach house, epitomises the allure of coastal living. What began as a neglected bungalow stood poised for transformation into a show home of beauty and charm—a testament to our vision and determination to unlock its hidden potential.

Braving the Unknown

The announcement of the first COVID-19 lockdown. Amidst uncertainty, we found ourselves at a crossroads. As all nine other bidders withdrew their offers in fear, we heeded Warren Buffet’s timeless advice: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.” Despite the risks, we remained steadfast in our resolve. Our courage was rewarded as we emerged as the sole contenders, securing the property at a bargain price below valuation.

Project Overview

Perched just 100 yards from the glistening waters of the Firth of Forth, the Coillesdene Drive bungalow stood as a rough diamond awaiting refinement. After years of abandonment, the property exuded a sense of neglect, with crumbling structures and overgrown vegetation shrouding its potential. Undeterred by its dilapidated state, we saw beyond the decay to envision a coastal retreat that would capture the essence of seaside serenity and luxury.

Challenges Faced

Before we could embark on the interior transformation, we faced the daunting task of addressing the exterior’s extensive disrepair. Removing a crumbling garage and boundary wall marked the first step towards revitalisation, followed by weeks of excavation to reclaim the back garden from mounds of rubble and overgrown foliage. Amidst these challenges, we encountered unexpected drainage and plumbing issues, necessitating deep excavations and comprehensive overhauls to ensure the property’s structural integrity.

Interior Reimagining

With the exterior restored to its former glory, we turned our attention to the interior, guided by a vision of modern elegance and coastal charm. Collaborating with architects, we devised plans to reconfigure the layout, transforming the bungalow into a three-bedroom haven of comfort and style. Walls were opened, spaces were expanded, and natural light flooded in, creating a sense of spaciousness and tranquillity throughout.

Investment Details

Private investor finance played a crucial role in funding the Haymarket project, allowing individuals to participate in a lucrative investment venture.

Project Execution

As the final brushstrokes were applied, the Coillesdene Drive project emerged as a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our ability to turn adversity into opportunity. From its once-neglected state, the beach house had been reborn as a seaside sanctuary—a harmonious blend of modern sophistication and coastal charm.

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How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on investment opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, investors can benefit from attractive returns and the satisfaction of contributing to revitalising iconic properties in Edinburgh.


The journey of the beach house stands as a testament to the transformative power of vision, perseverance, and courage. As we bid farewell to this seaside sanctuary, we do so with gratitude for the lessons learned and the memories created—a reminder that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

Explore our website for more about renovation projects and investment opportunities.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and insights into property development.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com

Daisy Terrace | Edinburgh

Welcoming Charm:

The Daisy Terrace Renovation

Welcome to Daisy Terrace, nestled within the picturesque Flower Colonies of Shandon, Edinburgh. This charming ground-floor colony flat exudes character and warmth, offering a glimpse into the historic craftsmanship of the late 1800s. Let’s stroll through this delightful property’s transformation, where old-world charm meets modern comfort.

Project Overview

Stepping into Daisy Terrace, we journeyed to unveil its hidden potential. Previously occupied for half a century, the property awaited a fresh start. With carpets, wallpaper, and dated fixtures stripped away, we were met with a blank canvas brimming with possibilities.

Recognising the opportunity to maximise space, we set our sights on converting the property into a two-bedroom property. A large box room, off the hallway, proved to be the perfect candidate for transformation. With careful planning, we transformed this space into a functional kitchen, seamlessly integrating modern convenience into the property’s historic framework.

Unlocking Space

Preserving the property’s original charm was paramount throughout the renovation. From the stunning fireplace hearth discovered beneath the carpets to the intricate cornice and ceiling rose, each original feature was lovingly restored to its former glory. The result? A harmonious blend of old-world elegance and contemporary comfort.

Restoring Character

In addition to restoring character, we focused on improving functionality. The master bedroom, bathed in sunlight, transformed, with walls refreshed and original floorboards lovingly restored. With a second bedroom and modernised bathrooms, Daisy Terrace emerged as a versatile home tailored to modern living.

Investment Details

Private investor finance played a crucial role in funding the Haymarket project, allowing individuals to participate in a lucrative investment venture.

Embracing Modernity

While preserving its historic charm, Daisy Terrace embraces modernity with tasteful updates. Stylish LED mirrors, timeless bathroom designs, and strategically placed frosted glass doors maximise natural light, creating an inviting ambience throughout the property.

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How to Get Involved

Investors looking to participate in similar projects can partner with our company to capitalise on investment opportunities. By leveraging our expertise and track record, investors can benefit from attractive returns and the satisfaction of contributing to revitalising iconic properties in Edinburgh.


The journey of Daisy Terrace epitomises the transformative power of renovation, breathing new life into a historic gem. From its humble beginnings to its reimagined elegance, this property is a testament to the enduring allure of Edinburgh’s Flower Colonies.

Explore our website for more about our renovation projects and investment opportunities.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates on our latest projects and insights into property development.

Contact Information

Email: info@nicholsmithinvestments.com